I’m Thankful: Day 5


Today I’m thankful for medicine. Yesterday Charlie woke up from his nap and was burning up. High fever, and just completely out of it. So I started the Tylenol and Motrin trade off and after a few hours he started feeling a bit better. This morning he woke up feeling fine, but then after a couple of hours the fever came back.


I absolutely hate it when my  kids are sick. I hate that you can see it in their eyes, they become fatigued, and just have the saddest most pathetic looks on their sweet faces. So the fact that I can give them medicine that helps them feel better relatively quickly is huge. I mean honestly, I have no idea how parents dealt with sickness ‘back in the day’. I think it would be so scary to watch your children’s temperature rise, and have no idea how to make it stop. Even with ‘modern medicine’ I still get totally stressed out.


But thankfully I have two sleeping kiddos upstairs right now … both were feeling good when they went to sleep … so hopefully they’ll wake up that way as well.


Jenny - November 5, 2011 - 12:47 am

I can totally relate. The feeling of helplessness as a parent is awful, and even more magnified when your kids haven’t learned to talk yet. I’m glad your kiddos are safely tucked in their beds, and hope Charlie feels better tomorrow.
By the way, I took up your Thankfulness challenge, and am patting myself on the back for getting all caught up. :)

Leah Lemmons - November 5, 2011 - 9:38 pm

The most helpless feeling in the world when your kiddos are sick! Ugg, another thing I despise! I think our stressers are one in the same! Hope C is feeling much better tomorrow and that fever is gone for good. Aiden had a fever a couple of weeks ago, lasted 4-5 days. Nothing else came of it besides breathing problems, weird how they react sometimes. Thankful for meds? Yes mam! :)

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