I finish being thankful and then just disappear …

I kid, I kid. After the longest 30 days of blogging I’ve ever experienced, I got super busy with my work stuff. My birthday was spent working at a dud of a craft fair and all the work I’ve been doing for the past 3 months just sat there … such a waste … such a waste.

But now I get to enjoy the rest of December without too many responsibilities. I decided that I’m going to try and do ‘Christmasy‘ things with my kids. I’m really bad about that kind of stuff, so maybe this year I’ll turn over a new leaf. In fact, when I went to Target today I bought some foam Christmas Tree Decorating Kits for the kiddos … and also some cookie decorating stuff. I mean, the best kind of crafts are the ones you can eat! Can I get an AMEN?!

So even though this past weekend ranked super high in ‘the most disappointing moments of my life‘, I’ve decided to buck up, and move on. I’ve also had kimchi for the past two days … because if you didn’t know it already, kimchi makes everything better … for reals.

Leah Lemmons - December 6, 2011 - 5:27 am

AMEN!! I’m guilty of the same thing. My Tay reminds me of that occasionally! I planned on doing the same thing, but my “craft” kind of got in the way lately …. so. Moving on …. moving on ….:)

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